オーリビタルコミュニケーションズ 衛星通信
Corporate name Orbital Communications Corporations
Registered and Postal Address 5F Dai-ichi Kouseikan Building, 3-14-13
Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061  Japan
Tel: +81 3 4590 0153
Fax: +81 3 6673 4830
Incorporated May 2 2008
Bank MIZUHO Bank Kobunechou Branch
Telecommunication License Registered Telecommunications Operator No.343
Registered in Dec. 2010
CEO Shoji Aihara

Back ground

In 1994, the Japan deregulated its telecommunications regulations to allow foreign participation.  At this time Orbital Communications founder was the General Manager of the Japan division of the first foreign operator to receive a Type 1 license. This license allowed provision of international VSAT based International Private Leased Circuits (IPLC’s) for Japanese corporations with factories or offices overseas.    This business focused initially on services to Asia at first but further extended to Central Asia, Middle East and Africa due to the marine cable outages due to cable cuts and shutdown of International Gateway Facilities (IGF) at the times of political unrest .At its peak this business covered 38 countries for governmental agencies.
Japanese customers specify very high and detailed service levels. To meet  this demand, Orbital Communications Corporation was established in 2008.